I am a thirty-something stay-at-home mom to three small children. I run my household, organize my children's activities and lives and try to maintain my own sanity! I am actively involved in my children's education and currently sit on the Board of the local Preschool. I have also recently joined a Book Club with fellow mommy's in the community.
I am a former Social Worker and have worked with Children with Special Needs. I worked in a Group Home which housed 12-16 year old females and also spent some time working in the Foster Care system.
I have a Master's Degree in Social Work. I graduated in 2002
Prior to working as a Social Worker I worked for the State of New Jersey as a Job Counselor.
I grew up in New Jersey but relocated to the lovely State of Rhode Island in 2002.
I love to read, garden and engage in outdoor activities. I am also an avid Photographer. I care about the environment, social activism, preserving wildlife and ecosystems, and maintaining a healthy lifestyle.
I am concerned about the chemicals in our beauty products and food.
I buy local and organic when I can.
I enjoy visiting local farms and farmer's markets.
I am an avid reader of nutrition labels
I avoid High Fructose Corn Syrup, Enriched Flours, Bleached Flours, Trans Fats, Partially Hydrogenated Oils, Refined Sugars, BHT, Artificial Preservatives and Flavorings.
I try to avoid processed foods
I also avoid BPA, Pthalates, Sulfates and Parabens whenever possible