Tuesday, May 17, 2011


Wow, it has been over a week since my last post! I am really slipping! It has been a good week though, pretty nice weather, lots of gardening being done, my oldest daughter's 6th Birthday and my dear cousin's Graduation from Culinary School! Lots of lovely accomplishments all around!

I have also been pondering lots of thoughts this week. One of which is, have I been a good enough friend to those I love? I am not very good at keeping in touch with people, never have been. Not much of a phone talker. But I do think of those I love often and need to find better ways of including them in my life. Perhaps sending cards now and again would be a good start. Or at least emailing somewhat regularly with pictures and stories. I realize that most of my friends know little about my daily life and the things that have been building on my mind as of late. Unfortunately, most of my closest friends live pretty far away...New Jersey, California, and Ecuador. I have found lately that I am really missing them. Missing those long heart-to-heart talks and familiar stories and memories. I have found myself stuck in something of a rut lately. Not truly at peace with my life, struggling with the ups and downs of being a SAHM. I have also come to realize how very difficult it is to find those true one-of-kind friends who know you inside and out and never judge or question your intent but instead are happy to listen to your worries and concerns and give you unconditional support. I know that I tend to complain a lot in my daily life….more of an act of venting than any true disdain for a person, event or circumstance. I have found that I am a better listener and supporter than a person who can relay her own thoughts and feelings well. I am better at the written word than the oral one. It does take more time to write though than speak. Maybe this is why I am so bad at keeping in touch.

I realize that there are many things I need to continue to work on in order to find true peace in my life. There are so many skeletons in my closet that I need to work through and I know I need to start somewhere. I think I will start with reminding those I love how much I miss them and appreciate them….and even though we are far apart in distance they are never far from my thoughts and I am beyond grateful that they are a part of my life!

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Happy Mother's Day!

A Happy Mother's Day to all you moms out there! I am wishing you all a relaxing, fun-filled day full of love and happiness. I am wishing all the mom's out there who have experienced loss or are struggling to fulfill their dreams of becoming mom's a peaceful day. You are all in my thoughts!

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Some Thoughts to Ponder

I do not rejoice when people die, enemies are conquered, or "justice"is served. I tend to feel conflicted inside. I do not believe that murder is the answer for anything. I do not believe that death is a justified punishment. I do not believe that anyone has the right to decide the fate of others. I will never feel comfort or solace in the wake of violence.

I am saddened when people die needlessly and conflicted when people rejoice the death of known enemies. I will never judge the emotions of individuals directly affected by violence and terror but do not believe that more violence can ever bring about a sense of peace. Does violence not beget violence. Shouldn't we show compassion and acceptance to move past the climate of violence.

I feel frightened and saddened when scores of people are cheering and chanting in the streets. It seems at these times that our world has taken a terrible step backwards. I, instead, worry what our "victory" says about the American spirit and how it will continue to affect the lives of innocent people. Should I now be more worried about retaliation and American hatred? If we instead showed signs of love and peace would we still have to live in fear of hatred and violence?

As I continue on my path to spiritual enlightenment I am continuously reminded that my values and beliefs are those of a small minority. But I will continue to believe in the worth of individuals, the value of sharing my time and spirit with those around me, and compassion and acceptance for those who are "different". If we took the time to listen, understand and acknowledge would our hatred and rage then be replaced with feelings of acceptance and peace? I do not know, but I do believe it is worth a try…...

Monday, May 2, 2011

Save The Children

Today on Eversave if you make a donation to Save The Children in honor of Mother's Day Eversave will match your contribution. Buy a $10.00 donation for only $5.00!

If you're interested in today's Save, simply click "Buy Now." After purchasing a Save voucher, click on the "My Saves" tab in Eversave where you'll find a unique code printed on the voucher. Use this when you go to allocate your donation at SaveTheChildren.org.

Eversave will match your donation up to $25,000.00!

Check my link below for more information!